Dj Chainsaw of listentothedj.com gives his “Chain Reaction” for new record by Billionaire Burke “My Slime” Featuring Gunna.
Available on all Digital & Streaming Platforms
Let’s us know in the comments if you think we should delete or repeat this record off of our Listentothedj Spotify Playlist!
Shot & Chopped by Chainsaw for Listen to the DJ LLC
Additional shots by Deezal Beats
Marketing Strategist / Director of Operations Roc Da Guard for istreamteam.com
“Listen to the DJ” is a direct command. “Listen to the DJ” is also a Media Platform for DJ’s, Artists & Musicians.
The DJ is the respected Taste maker of the Music Industry & Urban Culture. DJ’s are at the helm of the thriving EDM, Hip Hop, Reggae & Pop Music Genres. According to Hip Hop music industry standards the DJ dictates & delegates what’s hot or not.
Recording Artists make records & we break them. Without the DJ’s support or stamp of approval the record most likely will not succeed. There are a few key ingredients to successfully breaking a record in our opinion: The DJ, Marketing, Promotional dollars & musical content.
Follow us on our journey while we document our travels filming, interviewing, photographing DJ’s, Recording Artists & Listeners across the Globe. We also provide Music & product reviews. Don’t forget without the DJ, there would be no party or Hip Hop!