This is part 2/3 of the interview with New Jersey Hip Hop Artist & Producer Nol Jones The heavy hitting intro features Radio Personality, Videographer, Editor, Journalist, Marketer, Record Promoter, Producer & Entrepreneur Dj Chainsaw. Radio, Television & Wrestling Personality Peter Rosenberg. Hip Hop Artist, Producer & Entrepreneur Soulja Boy. DJ, MC, Promoter & Entrepreneur Dj Gully. R & B Artist, Actor & Entrepreneur Ray J. Hip Hop Artist & Blogger Its Bizkit. Former NBA Player & Humanitarian Dikembe Mutumbo.
-NoL explains starting out as a producer at 14 years old & rapping at 16. years old.
-Transitioning from a wack rapper to a trap rapper.
-He states he rather be a gentleman than a “tuff guy” because he’s light skinned ????
-NoL says he rather be a boss than an employee.
-He gives his opinion on radio spins vs blog posts.
-NoL talks about his Music & Merch campaign.
-He talks about being “Authentic”
-NoL encourages Listeners to listen to his music because it’s fire ????
-DJ Chainsaw asks NoL why is he vulnerable in his raps.
-Chain ask him to verify the 6 degrees of separation connection to Eminem.
Mystere Vision LLC Artist No-L Jones is Emerging musician out of central jersey making amazing music that most people don’t make anymore. Growing up he was always around music, his father was a rapper/producer very involved in the music industry. His father met his mother with the help of eminem’s tour manager (to be) & then NoL was born.
He started out making beats with a close friend in 2015, inspired by people such as J Dilla, Madlib & 9th wonder. This eventually led to him writing his first rap, which then led to him writing a verse every single day. He focused on production for the whole summer of 2016, making 1,000+ finished hip hop beats with his own energy & inspiration while mastering his signature trap sound.
His versatility allows him to bring you back with vivid storytelling & unique wordplay, while his uptempo music is undeniably good compared to mainstream records. The mix of quality instrumentals & supreme lyrics is helping him take New Jersey by storm.
N???? L Jones socials↙️
Shot & Chopped By: Chainsaw for Listen to the DJ LLC
Camera Operator: Chain & MJ
Lighting: Deezal Beats ????????
Intro Theme Song: Briggette Scott
“Listen to the DJ” Media platform for DJ’s, Artists, Apparel, APPS, Interviews, News, Reviews & Playlists. The DJ is the respected Taste maker of the Music Industry & Urban Culture. DJ’s are at the helm of the thriving EDM, Hip Hop, Reggae & Pop Music Genres. According to Hip Hop music industry standards the DJ dictates & delegates what’s hot or not.
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